Greetings from scenic,

Category: Security
Tags: Sudo Root

Setting up a Graphical Sudo Prompt on

If you've installed a Linux distro that requires a little set-up (or you've just tinkered around with your system a little) you'll have noticed that there's a file called /etc/sudoers. And there's probably only a few things that you're looking at in this file: who can sudo and when.

Gentle Introduction

sudo means "substitute-user do". As such it's pronounced as "suu-dew", not "suu-dough." It allows one user to execute a command as another user; by default (i.e. if one simply types sudo <command>) the command will be executed by root.

The principle of multi-user systems is this: every abstract user on the computer system ought to be treated as if it were owned and used by only one human user on that computer. That is to say: when I am logged in as root (i.e. the super-user who can execute any command) the computer should treat me as root, not as yumi. Consequently I should act as root would and not as yumi would. Since computers are very good at following rules, as long as I pass the criteria to masquerade as a different user this abstraction is respected.

Instead of using sudo, one may also use su. These achieve the same effect of masquerading as a another user; the only differences are that sudo will execute only the passed commands and will prompt for your password (given that you're allowed to run sudo); meanwhile su will simply log you in as the other user but will prompt you to enter that user's password.

Securing your /etc/sudoers file

You may have noticed that there is a line in the /etc/sudoers file which is as follows:

## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

So if I am in the wheel group, I may execute any command as any user given that I know my own password. That makes me a little un-easy to start with (What if someone knows my password? Now they can do anything!) but if you are the power-user for the machine then this is a little safer than logging in as root; thus I have found it useful for day-to-day management and more convenient that logging in as root with that lengthy password all the time.

However attention must be brought to the next line of the /etc/sudoers file as well:

## Same thing without a password # %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Well, there is a group of such people who think this is no problem at all. Let me remind you that this actually is a problem: any scripts you execute at all have the potential to ERASE THE ENTIRE SYSTEM NO QUESTIONS ASKED WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING YOUR PASSWORD!!!

Consider: you. You download a script from Github that prints colors onto your terminal using ANSI escape codes. Further consider that this program is over 1000 lines long (it prints very pretty colors) and consequently you have no time to proofread every single line and verify that it genuinely does what you think it should.

If that program was written by a malicious user who intends to execute sudo su (no matter how deep within the source tree such a command is buried) and if you use sudo without a password then you've been completely fucking pwnt; the script which was previously executing as you is now executing as root and now can accordingly wipe the root partition, steal passwords, install backdoors and generally raise hell. A clever malicious user would not go straight for wiping the root partition for lulz but rather would exploit your kindness / generosity in being so simple-minded and install a key-logger to silently monitor your system until s/he found you so boring that it'd be preferable to blow up your hard-drive rather than steal your credit-card number.

But seriously, this is a breach of security to allow root access without a password.

Active Measures you can take Today to Secure your Friend root

Use the first line recommended above: force users (even if they are in wheel) to enter a password to sudo; even further (and especially if you are using a personal computer) I charge you to force logins everytime i.e. remove the timeout by adding / editing the following line

Defaults timestamp_timeout=0

That way you'll need to enter your password every command. If you need to do a lot of systems administration work then I recommend logging in as root by using:

sudo su

That's what the super-user account is for anyway, right?

Graphical Logins

If you'd like to execute a command which requires root persimmons via key-bindings (in this example using a window-manager for X.Org) then you will need a graphical prompt which allows you to enter your root password. Fortunately such a program already exists and is called x11-ssh-askpass.

*-askpass Utilities

The *-askpass utilities are very simple; running the command will spawn the prompt (not requiring that it be graphical at all; historically these commands have mostly spawned in their own window) and will echo your input to stdout after you confirm your entry. They interface with applicable programs like sudo and ssh via special configurable variables.


ssh uses the special environment variable SSH_ASKPASS; sudo uses SUDO_ASKPASS. These variables only need to be a part of the environment which executes the sudo commands for the graphical prompt to be displayed; if a display cannot be found, sudo and ssh will default to the typical text-based input. The *-askpass utilities are widely available in the repositories of many un/popular flavors of Linux; these types of programs are so simple that even compiling one from source is hardly a hassle.

Once you've installed a *-askpass program (I recommend x11-ssh-askpass) then I recommend also putting the following in your ~/.bashrc.

if [[ ! -z $DISPLAY ]]; then export SSH_ASKPASS="/usr/bin/x11-ssh-askpass" export SUDO_ASKPASS="/usr/bin/x11-ssh-askpass" alias sudo='sudo -A' fi

Because .bashrc is executed by both login and non-login terminals this will tell terminals which are part of an active session any sudo or ssh commands run in terminals on will spawn the password utility. If your window-manager is to execute sudo or ssh commands on your behalf then also put the above in your ~/.xinitrc without the enclosing if block.


Graphical prompts (esp. full-screen ones) prevent me from careleslly typing my password into a public chat room if my window becomes unfocused; additionally one may command the window-manager to execute sudo commands without problem.


Correctly setting up sudo and optionally its x11-ssh-askpass graphical prompt is an important step forward to securing your personal computer / home-server; I hope that you're able to take the knowledge exposed here and apply it to your personal setup ^.^

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